The exclusive variant of the Pilot/Observer Badge in Gold with Diamonds (German: Gemeinsame Flugzeugführer- und Beobachterabzeichen in Gold mit Brillanten). It was bestowed by Göring to honour exceptional achievement and on rare occasions as an honorary award.
The exclusive variant of the Pilot/Observer Badge in Gold with Diamonds (German: Gemeinsame Flugzeugführer- und Beobachterabzeichen in Gold mit Brillanten). It was bestowed by Göring to honour exceptional achievement and on rare occasions as an honorary award. The first recipients were General Walther Wever, Chief of the Luftwaffe General Staff and General der Flieger Erhard Milch, State Secretary of the Reichsluftfahrtministerium on 11 November 1935.
Another variant of this award was presented to Flug-Kapitänin Hanna Reitsch. This variation was "more like a brooch". A horizontal "shaft" extended from each side of the wreath, which also had diamonds inlaid.