The German Sports Badge, also known as the German National Sports Badge, was first created in the year 1913. At first the German Sports Badge was only issued to men for the completion of various physical tests. In 1921 it was renamed the Deutsches Turn- und Sportabzeichen, and women became eligible to receive it as well.
In Nazi Germany the design of the badge remained basically the same but a swastika was added at its base. Since 1935, the letters "DRL" ("Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen") replaced the letters "DRA" ("Deutscher Reichsausschuss für Leibesübungen"). On 1 July 1937 it was renamed to Deutsche Reichsauszeichnung für Leibesübungen and obtained the status as an official recognised decoration of the state. In 1938, the Austrian Sports Badge was incorporated in the German Sports badge. The last tests for the Deutsche Reichsauszeichnung für Leibesübungen were held in 1944.